
Bravecto® Quantum FOR working DOGS

Year-long flea and tick protection with just one dose

1 year flea and tick protection in one dose

One year flea and tick protection in just one dose is now available

4 Working dogs on top a mountain

No need to remember monthly treatments as just one dose provides year-long protection.

Just one dose kills fleas and ticks and helps control home flea infestations for a full year, thereby reducing the health threat fleas pose to both dogs and humans.1

Administered once a year by your veterinarian for peace of mind.

Ask your veterinarian about BRAVECTO QUANTUM today

Warm and humid environments are ideal for flea reproduction. Recent weather patterns are indicating that traditionally colder months are becoming milder. In addition to this, fleas are well adapted to indoor environments, thus use of heating in our homes is conducive to fleas continuing their life-cycle across all seasons.

Development from egg to adult flea can take between 2 to 3 months, giving a false sense of a flea free environment.1,2 Just one missed monthly flea treatment can allow for a significant flea infestation in your home environment.

BRAVECTO QUANTUM makes year-round flea and tick treatment one less thing for you to remember, giving you peace of mind for the whole year.

Whether they live in cities or suburbs, forests or near the beach, dogs of all lifestyles can be exposed to fleas. Fleas live and multiply in shady areas with leaves and debris as well as inside homes where they can hide in carpets and under furniture.

Fleas are more than just a nuisance – they can trigger flea allergy dermatitis causing intense itching and hair loss, transmit bacteria such as Bartonella henselae (cause of cat scratch fever) and Yersinia pestis (cause of Black Plague) and transmit flea tapeworm.1

No – fleas pose a year-round risk for pets. Warm and humid environments are ideal for flea reproduction. Recent weather patterns are indicating that traditionally colder months are becoming milder. In addition to this, fleas are well adapted to indoor environments, thus use of heating in our homes is conducive to fleas continuing their life-cycle across all seasons.2,3,4,5

Fleas are not just a nuisance, some dogs are actually allergic to flea saliva, which is commonly referred to as flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). In these sensitive dogs, just one flea can result in intense scratching, hair loss and crusty lesions and skin rashes along their backline, rump and inner thighs. If you are worried about your dog and FAD, speak to your veterinarian.1

BRAVECTO QUANTUM is administered as a single injection by a veterinarian using the trusted ingredient, fluralaner. With just one dose, it delivers year-long flea and tick protection.

BRAVECTO QUANTUM provides year-long protection from fleas and ticks. Your veterinarian will recommend redosing every 12 months to ensure there are no gaps in protection.

BRAVECTO QUANTUM can be administered in puppies and dogs from 6 months of age. Prior to this, BRAVECTO Chew and BRAVECTO Spot-on for Dogs can be used for puppies from 8 weeks of age and greater than 2 kg.

The correct dose is based on your dog’s weight. Your veterinarian will calculate the appropriate dose for your dog.

Dogs 6 months of age or older, can commence treatment with BRAVECTO QUANTUM at anytime they are unprotected against fleas and ticks.

BRAVECTO QUANTUM has been well tolerated in numerous safety and efficacy studies in dogs of various ages, weights and breeds1. In fact, it uses the same active ingredient that has been well tolerated and effectively used for years across the BRAVECTO portfolio.

Should you have any questions or concerns about the use of BRAVECTO QUANTUM in your dog, please discuss these with your veterinarian.

1. Data on file. MSD Animal Health.
2. Companion Animal Parasite Council – The Case For Year-Round Protection
4. Tropical Council for Companion Animal Parasites. TroCCAP guidelines for the control of ectoparasites of dogs and cats in the tropics: First edition. January 2022. Accessed 8 March 2023.­loads/2022/01/TroCCAP-Canine-Feline-Ecto-Guidelines-English-v1.pdf
5. European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites. Control of ectoparasites in dogs and cats: ESCCAP Guideline 03 Seventh edition. January 2022. Accessed 8 March 2023.

Ask your veterinarian about BRAVECTO QUANTUM today

BRAVECTO QUANTUM requires vet authorisation, ACVM no: A011993. BRAVECTO ACVM No’s: A011019, A011261 & A011446.